Chedoke's Nursery & Childrens Worship program runs each Sunday for, Nursery (ages 0-4 yrs) and Sunday School, grades SK - 5.
Volunteer Opportunity: We would like to provide the congregation with an opportunity to share their time and talents at Chedoke. We are blessed with a few young families and we understand the importance of offering a regular nursery and Sunday School schedule. We are asking for volunteers for both of these children’s ministries. Please prayerfully consider giving your time and talents to look after the children of Chedoke.
Sign-up sheets will be available on Sunday in the Narthex. You can also contact the church office if you are interested in volunteering.
Requirements: ·
o Time commitment on a Sunday from 10:15 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. ·
Sunday School
o Time commitment 10:45 – 11:30 a.m. on a Sunday
o Lesson prep…lessons are provided and are easy to follow ·
Police Check
o some of you may have a police check on file already and if not, please take time to get one
o you would apply for a Police Check for working with vulnerable youth ·
For more information on applying for a police check please contact Alison in the church office,