Upcoming Events Happening at Chedoke Church!

Sunday Worship
We are a 'come as you are' type church.  Come and see how we keep Christ at the centre of our worship through prayer, song, and Scripture.  We gather every Sunday at 10:30am.
Truth & Reconciliation Service
Resources for continued learning are available.  Please contact the church office for some recommendations.
Lenten Series
During Lent, we will be exploring the Jewish festivals that are an important part of the Gospels and especially the Passion Week.  Come and see on Sundays at 10:30 in person or on Youtube at Chedoke Church Live
Chedoke N2N Food Drive April
Our next N2N Food Drive will be held Saturday April 19th from 10:00 am until Noon.  Please, if you can, help support this wonderful organization with either food or financial donations.
Coming up Sunday March 30th
The Feast of Firstfruits may seem like an odd one to a non-agrarian audience.  Come and see how this points towards the Passion of Christ.
Welcome To Chedoke!
Sunday Worship 10:30 am